What are the biggest problems with 3D printing?
While 3D printing offers a number of advantages over traditional manufacturing techniques, it also has a number of drawbacks.
One of the biggest problems with 3D printing is the quality of the finished product. In many cases, the products produced by 3D printers are not as strong or accurate as those made using traditional methods.

Another problem with 3D printing is the cost. The machines can be very expensive, and the materials used in the process can be quite costly as well. In addition, many of the designs that are available for 3d printing are not very complex, which means that they can be produced relatively cheaply.

A third issue with 3d printing is its slow speed. It can often take several hours to produce a single product even when the printer is working at full capacity. Most traditional manufacturing techniques are far faster.
The final drawback of 3d printing is its lack of standardization. The designs that are available for 3d printers are not always interchangeable with each other, which may limit the range of products that can be produced using the technology.