How you can make money with 3D Printing | Business and 3D Printing

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How to make money with 3D Printing?

3D printing offers a wide range of business opportunities. From heavy industries to sculpture, the possibilities are endless.

Whether you’re looking to start a new business or adding 3D printing services to your existing operation, there are plenty of ways to get involved. 

Here are a few examples:

Start a 3D printing service bureau

This is an excellent option for businesses that want to offer 3D printing services without investing in 3D printers. 

Instead, a service bureau can handle all the printing for its clients, from design to delivery.


Sell 3D-printed products online

Thanks to the internet, it’s now easier than ever to sell your products to customers all over the world. 

You can set up an online store with a shopping cart system that allows customers to buy your products with a few clicks.


Sell 3D-printed prototypes to businesses

If you have experience in 3D printing, you could sell prototypes to businesses that need them for product development or marketing purposes. 

This is a great way to generate additional income while using your existing 3D printing skills.


Start a 3D printing training course

If you’re an expert in 3D printing, why not share your knowledge by starting a training course? 

This is a great way to help others learn about this exciting technology and potentially open up new business opportunities for them.


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to get involved in the world of 3D printing, whether you’re a business owner or an expert in 3D printing.

Mass Adoption of 3D Printed by major businesses 

Until recently, most businesses viewed 3D printers as too exotic and expensive to integrate into their workflow. 

However, thanks to the recent proliferation of cheap 3D printers, more and more businesses are now seeing the benefits of incorporating 3D printers into their workflow. 

Here are examples of some major companies that currently use 3D printers:


1. Ford is known to use 3D printing to accelerate the development of new car parts.

2. Boeing has implemented 3D printed components into its planes (such as the Dreamliner).

3. General Electric is building jet engines with AM (additive manufacturing) technologies, including titanium additively manufactured fuel nozzles, fan blades, and turbine shrouds.

4. Nike uses selective laser sintering (SLS) technology to produce prototypes for new designs, testing new shoe designs more quickly and efficiently.

5. Airbus uses 3D printing to produce parts for its planes, including a titanium bracket for the A350 XWB aircraft.

6. Staples uses 3D printers to produce replacement parts for office equipment.

7. Berkeley’s University of California has started using 3D printers to create medical implants such as jawbone replacements.

8. Prosthetic limbs manufacturer Ossur uses 3D printing to create custom-fit prosthetics for its clients.

9. Dr650 riders can now order replacement brake discs and pads that have been optimized for weight and performance thanks to 3D printing.

10. Even the White House has got in on the action. During Barack Obama’s 2012 visit to Fab Lab in the US, he announced the launch of a National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute for “developing new ways to manufacture aerospace components.”

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